Monday, August 8, 2011

Addicted to Anita

Good Day to you all. Another week is in the books, time flies when you are having fun or working like crazy, and in my case, it has been both! On to this week’s post!


I finished two Anita Blake novels, Skin Trade and Flirt. Skin trade is awesome, action packed and it focuses more on a part of the series that I like the most: the actual crime solving investigations. I am a sucker for crime novels, have been all of my life. I have read my fair share of Agatha Christie novels, Patricia Highsmith, Leslie Charteris among others. The first time I read Guilty Pleasures, I loved the idea of the preternatural investigation, and still do. (I guess that I NEED to read The Dresden Files now!) Well, the book is great, the action is great, the sex is great and the body count is scandalous!
Flirt, like Micah (Book 13 of the series), is short and to the point. I did not like Micah very much because it was too short, but Flirt is different, it felt complete, and I did like it. I am looking forward to Bullet!

I am also reading The Wise Man’s Fears; book two of the Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss. I am enjoying the book immensely, it reads like a classic fantasy novel, but on a whole new setting, with much deeper characters and a fascinating story. I just don’t want to read too quickly and have to wait at least another year for book three.

I am also reading Pattern Recognition, from William Gibson. This book is for our book club, and we decided to give cyberpunk a try. I think I am going to like this one as well.


Slow week again, bur I have a feeling that is the reasons behind the delay have nothing to do with work at home. No. To be honest, I am bursting at the seams because I want to write a short story for the contest (I already have a short story written, but I have not reviewed it), but his one I think has a better chance at being something important, so this week that is what I will be writing. I will post on Thursday the other story, called The Scribes of Lore, so you can give me your feedback. I managed to write a couple of chapters for the novel, which I liked, so I won’t totally abandon it this week. The thing is, I don’t want to derail the novel, which for the first time in my life I feel that I am actually progressing, moving forward, and it is important that I finish it. But, the calling of my steampunk fantasy has become too loud to ignore. Some research needs to get done, but the universe, the setting of the story is already there, I just need to iron out a few details.

Web Comics

This is my updated list of web comics that are currently on my radar:

Least I could Do
Looking for Group
Evil Inc.
Girls with Slingshots
The Devil’s Panties
Overlord of Ravenfell
The Gutters


Last Thursday I played the RPG of Supernatural for the first time. I also marked the first time I played an RPG other than Dungeons and Dragons, and I just a blast. I am not a big fan of the series, although I did watch the first two or three seasons, so I was not completely in the dark. I LOVED the idea of following and investigation, but with little or no restrictions, us being Hunters and all. It did not hurt a bit to have two friends who just role-played their red-neck characters to perfection. One is a gator-hunter and moonshine machine, the other is a failed ladies man who will get us killed. The third member of the party is our basement variety hacker and yours truly chose a college professor, named Sean St. Claire, who has an actual shifter fetish, round out the party. We really did have a blast, being stupid while trying to solve a case. At least we did not get killed, but let’s see what happens this week. I will keep you posted.

See you on Thursday!


Charly B. said...

Did you know there is a very successful RPG about The Dresden Files??

Lic. Pedro Fco. García Obregón said...

We should give it a try then :P

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