Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Middle of the week and I have this irresistible craving of writing all day long. But I can’t write all day, I can’t read all day and I can’t play games all day. I have work and a beautiful family to take care of, so the alternative suits me just fine.

Now, the Novel is advancing at an accelerated pace. The three stories that will meld into one, eventually, are well under way. The whole structure of the world is finished; the nuances of clothing, architecture, vegetation, etc…are in place and no longer require more of my limited time. Now I am only writing and editing, writing and editing. This first book of a five part series will be available, if all goes well, around December of this year. Book two is already outlined. So I am pretty excited about this!

My short story, X, will be ready soon as well, I just need to get my reading group together and iron out the details it still has. Draft two was fairly different from draft one, but I liked the second better, its structure is much better and the pace is better as well.
Hopefully, I can send the story in May, and work on a second story shortly.

The other two projects that are still dancing in my head will have to wait for a bit. This is not bad really, because I am still making notes about characters or ideas about the story of these two projects, and I know that, at some point, they will get written.

As I grow older I begin to realize that certain things in life tend to be easier than initially thought, perception changes, yes, but drowning in a puddle is no longer an option, when real life-changing problems knock on our doors. I understand that writing, in any of its forms is an outlet I NEED in order to function right, regardless of my dreams and passion of becoming an author. This is good!

See you all later!