Monday, May 2, 2011

Books, round 2

Yes, I know I am late, but again, I will still try to update this site weekly and I will obviously try to do a better job than what I am doing right now.
Anyway, it has been a busy week in terms of books, series and movies I have seen over the past couple of weeks so on to the details.

I finished Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and I have to tell you, I was pleasantly surprised about the book as a whole. The pace and the story are fast and to the point and the way the author mixed the historical data with his own is very well accomplished. It is one of those books that will creep up on you and is over before you know it. I highly recommend it.

I also finished two more books in the Cyberpunk category, both written by Neal Stephenson: Snow Crash and the Diamond Age.
Snow Crash is a must read if you are new to the Cyberpunk genre because it embodies everything the genre stands for. It is fast and furious and although sometimes it does get a bit tricky to follow all of the words and terms that are thrown at you, the depth of the characters and the overall story arch are worth it.
The Diamond Age was, and will be, one of those books that change your life. I still cannot explain it and I won’t delve into the story so as not to write any spoilers, but the world it depicts and the struggles and triumphs of the characters are simply superb. The story is solid and engrossing and all I can say is that you need to get this book ASAP!

I wrapped up Cerulean Sins as well, and even though the Anita Blake series gets weirder and raunchier with each new book of the series, it is also true that Anita Blake, for all of us vampire novel fans, is well rounded and complex character that evolves through the series. The descriptions of past events or of personality traits are annoying and unnecessary, and she also tends to wrap the story up in a couple of chapters before the end of the book, but all in all it is another good book of the series.

I also finished Debt of Bones, a novella written by Terry Goodkind, author of the fabled The Sword of Truth series. Through the years, I have developed a strange relationship with Goodkind’s work, being able to read one or two books per year, and then go a year or so before continuing. I love his world and his characters, but the stories are complex and tiresome for me, so I tend to need a break from his work. However, I intend to read the complete series beginning today with my re-reading of Wizard’s First Rule. Thus, I started this monumental task by reading the novella that takes place before the events of the first book and it was pretty good, a solid reminder of what lies ahead.

It is no wonder that I have not finished Drizzt’s Sojourn novel, because it is, at least for me, one of the hardest to digest from the whole series. Usually, the Drizzt we get to read is jaded and handles rejection as a true veteran, but in this trilogy the more naïve Drow still breaks my heart. I will see if I can finish it this week.

I am also beginning the following books:
Anathema- Neal Stephenson
Wizard’s First Rule- Terry Goodkind
Incubus Dreams- Laurel K. Hamilton
The Dracula Tape- Fred Saberhagen

Next week, I want to include another section not necessarily related to books only. I have been watching a lot of series and, well, there are things I need to get out of my system :D

Enjoy your week!


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