This week I have been reading quite a lot actually, although not only books. For the last month I have experienced my first real attempt at reading comic books.
Comic Books
After talking about it with some of my well-versed friends on the matter, I decided that I was going to begin with Marvel’s Ultimate series, primarily the X-Men, Iron Man and Spider Man and the Avengers Series. I began with the Avengers series and just loved it. Then I began the X-Men series and have really enjoyed it so far. Both series are dark and brutal, there is no tiptoeing around the real issues that surround the characters. I was really surprised at how Xavier and Magneto are depicted, at the hard choices they have to make and the way they don’t flinch when taking said decisions. I hope this week I can read at least another 20 volumes of the series. Spider Man and Iron Man will have to wait.
I just can’t seem to get around finishing Pattern Recognition. We just did not click. I seem to always wander off and I am forced to re-read the same page over, and over again. So, it is safe to say that I did not like it at all and to be honest, I have not enjoyed it one bit. The premise is interesting but I felt the world is too close to mine, if that makes any sense. I will finish it, I promise, I just don’t know when :P
I have a new literary romance: The Black Company. Yes, the Black Company is at it again, and I read books two and three of the series: Shadows Linger and The White Rose. I don’t why, but I have a soft spot in my heart for mercenary bands. The Captain, Elmo, the Lieutenant, Goblin, One-Eye, Raven, Otto and Croaker, who is the medic, and also official annalist of the Company. The second book is just a jewel of dark fantasy, as we follow two different stories: the Company’s passage to the north, filled with danger and doubts about the work they are doing for the Lady and her Taken, the latter also trying to get even with some of the Company’s members, and the one of an innkeeper and his strange guests in a cesspool called Juniper, and how his life will change once he manages to swallow his fears and restraint. The whole book is written under a somber cloak of grayness and despair and the magnificent story will not let you breath, let alone take a break.
The third book, The White Rose, is a bit less dark, and a bit more fantasy oriented. We still follow the Company as they make their way through the Desert of Fear and the Barrowlands. I don’t want to spoil the book if you are interested, so I will stop here with the review. However, I do encourage reading this fine series ASAP!
I also finished Hit List, the latest Anita Blake Novel. My wife, a complete Blake freak, er, I mean, fan, did not like it and now I can see why: It is not that good. I have felt that most of the elements that made this series as successful as it is, are missing. Anita is no longer Anita, not in the good way. I get that characters evolve, I did not know they devolved as well. She is careless doing her job, taking her care of her body and her needs. The story is convoluted and to be honest with you all, right at the end it makes no sense at all, and well, it is just not good. The book is filled with situations that are worn and tired, with moments that we have read before, over and over again. There is nothing new, and whatever novelty is offered it is bland, sexual and/or simply lacking. Let’s see if the next book is better and if not, well, I have enjoyed 19 books of the series, so it is not that much of a big deal.
I began two more books, The Legend of Huma, because frankly I need some epic fantasy and the first book of the Mistborn Trilogy. I hope I will have finished at least one of those books, because I am also reading book four of the Black Company series.
It has been a while since I sat down and played a game. I am almost done with my play through of Final Fantasy VII, and because I know it by heart, it is not difficult to leave the game for a couple of months before continuing.
Guild Wars is on hiatus again, but I really like the subtle, and no so subtle differences between expansion packs. In fact, even though the setting is in the same world, the game playing changes and the distinct themes of each expansion makes you fell that you are playing a completely new game, and that is hard to do. The Prophecies campaign, the original, is great, but it requires a lot more of grinding to level up, while the Nightfall and Factions expansions do not. All in all, I think it is a beautiful game and I hope to have at least three toons level 20 before Guild Wars 2 hits the shelves. I am also intrigued at what I am going to do about GW 2, I don’t know if I want to buy it or not, because I know I want to play it! The problem is that with Star Wars coming out at the end of the year, and I have already pre-ordered the Collector’s Edition, I won't have much time to spare. I am excited about SW because most of my friends are going to play it as well, and that makes all the difference in the world, and because the game looks great. Still, GW 2 will not have a monthly fee, so that makes it also very attractive.
Fallout 3 is also on hiatus, the world is simply too big for me to really compromise and finish it off, although it is really good and lots of fun. Someday I will get this one done!
Final Fantasy XIII is also on hold, although I do expect to finish it before the year is done. It is too linear for my taste, but the graphics, music and story are very good and I am enjoying the game when I do sit and play it. Final Fantasy XIII-2 will be out around January of next year, so yeah, I want to play that one also :D
This week, I played Mass Effect again, for the first time in two years. I really liked the game a lot but for some reason, I just did not finish it. I spent most of the weekend with my daughter, both of us confined to our home because she had a cold, so I decided to give it another go, to at least finish it before any more Mass Effects games are produced. Mind you, I am talking about the first one, and it is really good, but also, it is HUGE! The problem that I have with these games, the problem I currently have with Fallout 3, is that I will play it and complete everything there is to complete, I will chase down any side quest available, and complete it before moving on with the main quest. If I don’t do that, then I can’t play it, which is why it takes me so long to finish these types of games.
It has completely stopped. Real life is sometimes too hard for me to have time to do anything at all, and the past few weeks have not been fun at all. However, I did manage to write a poem to my son and also, I think that my X story is almost done as well. Yes, really, it is almost done. I swear. Ok, this time it is, almost done. :D
The Druid’s Grove is the one suffering the most with my time problems, but I intend to get back on track this week.
I will post link to a Druid’s Chapter I had not posted before, and I think that one goes well as Chapter 2.
See you all on Thursday, I am sure I will have something for the update. Really.
I would like to thank each and every one of you that supported me and my wife during our boy’s illness. You know who you are so big hugs going all around!
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