Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Hello all!
Sorry about the missing update, but I am on vacation with my wife and kids and it has been nearly impossible to find the time to write a thoughtful post.
I am still working on Chapter 1, the transition of being the narrator and evolving into the writer has been difficult enough, and with the added burden of trying to leave things sorted out in the office did not help either.
It is funny, but inspiration has become almost like a state of mind, like being happy, rather than being able to write because I am compelled to do so. I am happy with the story and the current state of my life allows me to draw energy and inspiration from the heart, and not from the soul. Soul writing is great, if you are a goth! Kidding aside, I enjoy rummagging through my soul and write about it only as a cathartic exercise, putting so much of myself into a scene or a chapter does not work for me, I feel too naked and honestly, my characters could do very well without my own fears and short comings.
I write from the heart because that is the place where I can store and take care of the beautiful things I have heard or seen, or eaten or felt. Those little compartents that I can open and close to add a bit of salt and pepper into my writing.
I will have a worthy post next week, for now, I have to leave to share more moements with my family that will undoubtedly be stored inside those little compartents of my heart.
Have a good week all!


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